Published by the institute of internal auditors

Clarity, Impact, Speed:

Delivering Audit Reports That Matter, 2nd Edition

by Margie Bastolla, CIA

Audit Report Writing Book Cover - Clarity. Impact. Speed. by Margie Bastolla, CIA


Report development sparks more frustration and debate among auditors than almost any other auditing task.  For audit staff and managers, writing is arduous, the editing process is frustrating, and the next audit is already calling. For audit executives,  report review and revision is time-consuming and burdensome. Clarity, Impact, Speed: Delivering Audit Reports that Matter,2nd Edition addresses these challenges and more.

Readers will learn to:

  • Develop reports that focus on the reader.
  • Organize the various report sections and key messages.
  • Select the appropriate report format.
  • Write precise, impactful executive summaries.
  • Create logical, complete, and impactful audit observations.
  • Use wording that is clear, concise, and strategic.
  • Use visuals effectively.
  • Reduce report edits and rewrites.
  • Quicken report issuance using agile auditing principles.

Write for the readers

Enhance report content and quality

Quicken report issuance

Topics Covered

Clarity, Impact, Speed is a how-to book for developing shorter, more impactful audit reports. This book teaches proven approaches that make reports easier to write, easier to read, and easier to implement. It will be of interest to preparers (internal auditors and compliance professionals) and users (senior management and audit committee members).

  • Introduction to Reporting
  • Report Structure
  • The Reporting Process
  • Developing Content
  • Strategies for Reviewing and Editing
  • Writing Quality
  • Report Format
Audit Report Writing Book Cover - Clarity. Impact. Speed. by Margie Bastolla, CIA